How Do I Find A Personal Trainer Near Me? | McAllen, Texas

How Do I Find A Personal Trainer Near Me? - A McAllen, Texas Guide

Finding a personal trainer near McAllen, Texas is extremely hard. If you do a quick google maps search you will find hundreds of different options.

But how do you find the BEST personal trainer to satisfy all of your needs?

Here are 5 tips to find the best personal trainer near McAllen, Texas:

Step 1: Outline Your Goals

We all have different reasons for hiring a personal trainer, but knowing exactly why you want to work with a personal trainer will help you make the process of finding the best one much smoother.

So before you sign up for personal training at any gym, make sure you know exactly what you are signing up for. You should be prepared to go into detail about your fitness goals.

For example, are you looking to gain muscle, lose fat, or just increase your overall health? At the Pistokache Training Facility we take the time to thoroughly learn about your goals then strategically draw up a science backed plan to help you achieve it.

Step 2: Decide Where to Train

We spoke about how to find the best gym near McAllen, Texas in our last blog. But in case you missed it, here’s a quick run down. Though Gold’s Gym may be more widely known, that does not mean they offer the best personal training near you. Besides the fact that Gold’s is usually overcrowded during peak hours, privately owned local gyms in McAllen are usually a better option. Privately owned gyms allow you to actually build a relationship with your personal trainer as opposed to an employee for a major corporation who may not truly care about you. I hate to say it, but it’s the truth.

Step 3: Research Personal Trainers

Now that you know why you want a personal trainer and what gym you will go to, it’s time to think about which trainer will suit you best. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a trainer who does not match your needs. Do a little digging, read their bio, check out their Instagram feeds, and give them a call to find out more information. If possible, definitely stop by their gym to speak to them in person. 

Step 4: Test out a Trainer

After you’ve done your homework, now is the time to test them out. Be sure to work together with your trainer to set realistic and measurable goals so you are able to evaluate your progress. After your first training session you should feel comfortable and confident when working out. At Pistokache Training we believe in educating our personal training clients and love to teach them the WHY behind our training methods. We highly suggest that you ask a bunch of questions during your personal training session and learn to pick your trainer's brain so that you’re not only getting a good workout in, but also increasing your knowledge.

Step 5: Know When to Say Goodbye

Not all trainers are created equal. If you’ve communicated properly, dieted correctly, worked out hard, stayed on track, and have still not seen any progress… it might be time to walk away. Sometimes you and your personal trainer may not be the right match and that’s okay. The journey still continues. Take what you have learned through the experience and use it to help make a better decision next time.

How Do I Find A Personal Trainer Near Me? | Conclusion :

Over the years we have had the privilege of working with hundreds of people seeking to optimize their health and reach their fitness goals. With over 100 success stories, our results speak for themselves. If you’re someone who is interested in hiring the best personal trainer in McAllen, Texas, we recommend stopping by our gym to speak to us. Even better, You can CLICK HERE to claim a free 24 hour gym pass to get to know our facility and speak to our group of personal trainers. We hope this article has helped you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

For more information give us a call at 956-878-9789 or email us at