Stress Vs. Time Management

Having a Plan for 2020

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From work to family obligations, and everything in between, you may have noticed that there’s simply not enough time in the day to accomplish all your goals. Because of this, one of the primary things that is neglected is your health; there never seems to be enough time to workout.


But did you know it’s actually possible to complete an effective workout in under 30 minutes, all while performing the exercises anywhere you want?

In the 3 exercises shared towards the end of this article you’re going to learn how to do just that. 

But before we get into the exercises, let's go over some of the hidden benefits to performing them.

Feel Better

How you feel determines everything. It doesn’t matter how great you look, if you feel like crap. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are often referred to as “feel good” chemicals, and will have you finishing up this workout with a natural high that is hard to beat. The incredible thing about this is that this feel good energy will then carry over to every other aspect of your life. You’ll catch yourself in situations that used to be stressful, and feel just fine.

Boost Confidence

 Not only will looking and feeling better boost your confidence, but also your commitment to improve in itself will provide the boost. You are the product of the many micro decisions you’ve made in your life, and these decisions hold a heavy weight on your confidence. When you build an exercise routine, you show yourself that you matter; that you’re worth it. Actions beat affirmations every time.

Develop Good Habits

 Humans are creatures of habit. This is due to the fact that the average human lives 95% of their life unconsciously. The only time you are not unconscious is when something new or unexpected happens in your life. Knowing this, wouldn’t it be a good idea to program your subconscious in such a way that you no longer have to convince yourself to workout. You just do it because that’s who you are. This is a great place to be, as success is not only easier but also inevitable.

Now let’s get into the workout. Remember this shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to complete and can be done anywhere.


30 min anywhere at anytime.

a fast passed circuit to help balance your stress levels in times of work overload or time mismanagement.


Quick Super-Set Workout

(1.) Goblet Squats and (2.) Walking Lunges Superset

Hold a heavy object, whether it be a dumbbell, medicine ball, heavy book, or any other object in front of you and perform 12-20 squats. As soon as you finish your set of Goblet Squats, perform 16-24 Walking Lunges (one rep per lunge). Complete 3 rounds of this with at most 90 seconds of rest.

(3.) Pushup Variations

To start, you will perform 5-15 pushups with your hands wider than shoulder width apart. Next, bring your hands in to shoulder width apart, and complete 5-15 regular pushups. Last, if you’re really looking to test your strength, bring your hands in so that both thumbs and pointer fingers form a diamond the the ground and perform 5-15 reps for this variation. There should be no rest until you have completed each pushup variation. If you’re only able to perform 15 reps in total, then opt to do only 5 reps per hand placement. For this workout, 5 reps per movement is preferred over 15 reps for a single variation. If you struggle with pushing your own body weight, and cannot complete at least 15 reps, then perform the pushups on your knees and build up your strength overtime from there. Complete 3 rounds of this with at most 90 seconds to rest.


Killer Core-

Get into a pushup position with hands on a short box or table. From this position, drive your right knee as close to your left elbow as possible while maintaining a strong and neutral core, then return your right leg back to its starting position. Now, do the same with your left knee and right elbow. When the left leg returns back to its starting position, that completes 1 repetition. Perform 10-20 reps of this.

And you’re done! Pretty simple stuff huh? But don’t let the simplicity fool you. There are great benefits to performing workouts like these consistently. Which leads me to my closing point.

Consistency is your best weapon. It is better to workout 6 days a week for a half hour each session, than to workout 1 day a week for 3 hours. Both scenarios equate to the same amount of time, yet the former is far better for your health, habit formation and confidence. Just a half hour a day can make all the difference; that’s less time than most Netflix show episodes. Set all the self-limiting beliefs you may have aside, and commit to crushing 2020, as well as the coming decade. I am excited to see you win!

Reasons why people say they cant stick to their new years resolution

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